Life Groups
Living in grace and truth together
In Life Groups we explore and experience what it looks like to follow Jesus in real life.
Usually meeting in people's homes (but currently online due to Covid-19).
We study the Bible, pray, share food, get honest, and seek the presence and power of God together.
We'd love to welcome you to a Life Group, get in touch to find out more.
Acorn Group
Meets alternate Thursday evenings
About Acorn Life Group:
Janet and Russell write - There are seven people in the group at the present time, but always a little room for more!
We have studied a variety of group materials which have helped us to focus on both the Old and New testaments, and their meaning for our Christian lives in the 21st century. We support each other in love and in prayers, and have been known to meet for food and wider fellowship with other groups from St Martin's.
Sanctuary Group
Meets alternate Wednesday evenings
About Sanctuary Life Group:
We are a group who come together for rest and refreshment in fellowship with God and each other. We listen to and pray for each other and those we love. We learn together by Bible study, reading prose and poetry, following courses or sharing what we love. Sometimes we follow materials alongside the whole church and other times materials suggested and agreed on by group members. We love a variety of ways of developing as disciples of Jesus Christ, living it in our everyday lives. We are passionate about the beautiful work of God’s creation and our desire to be good stewards. We share taking a lead in our sessions, if members want to do this.
We currently have 8 people in our group, some longstanding, some recently joined. Meetings are on alternate Wednesdays, starting at 5pm for refreshments.
Seekers Group
Meets Alternate Tuesdays
About Seekers Life Group:
Seekers write - We are the newest life group, forming in September 2022.
We aim to support each other through prayer, worship and practical ways, and to attempt to discover more about our faith, through our socialisation, informal study and honest discussion. We meet on a Tuesday morning, starting with coffee as we gather together 10.30. Hosted and led by Sue White and Catherine Lowe, we have just embarked on a 4- session bible study based on discovering signs of Hope. In the re-maining time before Christmas we shall be looking for signs of hope in Advent.
Come and join us, there’s room for more!
Burlington Group
Meets Wednesday evenings
About Burlington Life Group:
Chris and Chrissie write - God created us all to be in community, to belong, to learn, to be encouraged and to be known and loved by others no matter what. At Burlington our aim is to have a safe place to share, grow and receive prayer in a more intimate environment.
Recently we have been following The Chosen and basing our learning, sharing and growing on this series, it has provoked conversation, captured our imaginations and brought scripture to life.
unity of people who want to delve deeper into our relationship with God and with one another.
Orchard Group
Meets Alternate Wednesday evenings
About Orchard Life Group:
Our Orchard Life Group formed in 2019 and came out of a discipleship course run by its co-leaders Helena and Glenn. Helena is a long standing member of St. Martin’s and is passionate about discipling others. She is also a proud great grandmother. Glenn is a semi retired school teacher and earlier this year was licensed as a lay minister.
Over the last three years, the Orchard group has grown and some members have gone on to start their own life group. We currently have 10 members and meet in church on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for Bible study, prayer, mutual support and fellowship.
Start & Exploring faith
Meets Wednesdays (when active)
About the Start &Exploring faith groups:
If you have questions about faith, God, life and where Jesus fits into any of these then this group is for you. John and Glenys lead groups frequently throughout the year. The groups are short term—running for around 8 weeks, with the option to carrying on exploring through a follow on course.
These groups are a great place to meet other people, build friendships, ask big questions (there are no daft questions ever!) and find out what the Bible has to say in response. If you have questions around God, life, Jesus, faith why not ask us when the next course will run